Saturday Afternoon

George W. Bush wants another $200 billion for the Iraq War…and of course, he'll get it because Democrats are terrified of the 25% of America that still ostensibly backs this war and will blame Democrats for losing it.

Back when some members of the Bush Administration were saying how the war would pay for itself, I heard a caller on a talk radio show say, "This war is going to cost twice as much as the most pessimistic estimates." The host, who was for the war, called the guy an idiot and said it would be "chump change." As it turns out, it's going to be more like twenty times the highest estimates…so now we know who the chumps are.

Oh, well. Guess it's better than spending it on stupid things like health care for children. Hey, maybe we can pay more Blackwater contractors to fire indiscriminately and without provocation into crowds of civilians. That sure helps things.