I recently purchased one of these. It's the Sony DVPCX995V 400-Disc DVD Mega Changer/Player — a carousel that holds 400 DVDs. I have it in my office, all loaded with about 250 of my favorite movies and another 150 or so DVDs from my stack of ones I've had sitting here and never gotten around to watching. The machine is a bit slow and clunky but it does work. My plan is to keep taking out movies I will probably never re-watch and insert better films…to the point where I eventually have it all or mostly filled with fave flicks.
Here's one silly little problem I have. As you may know, a DVD of a movie sometimes has the name of the film encoded into it. Some players will read and display this encoded name, and my DVPCX995V builds a whole TiVo-like menu of them. I push a button on the remote and get a screen I can scroll through of all the movies in my player and then select the one I want to watch. In many cases — most, actually — there's no title encoded so I have to enter it manually. That's okay. My problem is that frequently, when there is a movie title encoded, I want to change it on the screen…and the Sony player won't let me. I have to live with their encoded name on my menu.
In some cases, it's not all that coherent. The name encoded on A Fish Called Wanda is "fisch_wanda." So that's what pops up on my menu and I can't change it. On Dr. No, the encoded title is blank…so a blank title appears on my menu and I can't change it. There are several encoded titles that misspell the name of the movie. Anyone have an idea how I can change this? Or how I can recode the DVDs to strip out that disc info? I have a hunch I'm outta luck on this.
Other than that, it seems like a great little machine. If you're thinking of getting one, wait a few weeks. I'll play with the one I got and let you know if I change my mind about it.