Mike Wieringo, R.I.P.

Newsarama is reporting that comic book artist Mike Wieringo has died from a heart attack at the age of 44.

This is one of those moments when this weblog's reputation works against it. I didn't know Mike Wieringo at all and have nothing to say about him other than that I'd always heard he and his work were well-liked. But if I don't post something, I'm going to get deluged with e-mails — they're already starting — telling me about it or asking me if it's true or even asking if the reason I haven't posted something is because I have something against Mike Wieringo. Obviously, none of these is the case. He was just one of those many folks whose path never crossed mine.

I'm sure the condolences of all go out to the friends and family of this much-respected artist. And a tiny, separate note of sympathy is due to all of us who are over the age of 44 and feeling just a bit older because of the news.