Let's discuss cartoon characters and puppets being used in commercials for the eating of their species. But before we do, watch this PARODY commercial from a 1992 episode of Saturday Night Live…
Outrageous idea, huh? A chicken selling flame-broiled chicken. But take a look at this REAL commercial from 1987…
Suddenly, the parody doesn't seem all that outrageous…and there have been other real examples. Every so often, some genius at an advertising agency gets the idea that the way to sell some food product is to have the creature that's being devoured pimp for it. (Another that comes immediately to mind is that Denny's spot where Miss Piggy was hawking the Grand Slam Breakfast, bacon strips and all.) I can't recall when one of these campaigns has lasted for any length of time, which leads me to conclude that it's as uncommercial an idea as it is tasteless. But someone will try one again soon. Count on it.