Semi-Old Joes

Just got off the phone with Joe Simon, the great comic book creator who'll turn 94 years of age in a few months. He said something so wonderful that I'm putting it up here to share with you and so I don't forget it.

We were talking about how he's going to be 94 and I told him that's nothing; that the legendary caricaturist Al Hirschfeld was still running around and drawing and creating when he was 99. The conversation then went exactly like this…

JOE: Al Hirschfeld was one of my heroes. I got very mad at him when he died.

ME: You were mad at him for dying? So did you admire his art or his age or…?

JOE: I admired the fact that even in his nineties, he sued his agent.

Isn't that lovely? Also, I spoke yesterday with Joe Sinnott, who's a much younger man. He's 81. Some of you may recall that Joe had some severe medical problems and was hospitalized. Well, he's home and he sounds like he always did, which is a lot more energetic than me. Later today if I get a moment, I'll post a plug/review of a new book about this Joe but don't wait for that. Go ahead and order a copy.