As some of you may recall, since my surgery, a small but significant concern for me has been what to drink. I've never liked coffee or tea or iced tea. I neither like nor trust artificial sweeteners. I need to avoid things that are as heavy in sugar content as most fruit juices. And I have to avoid carbonation.
What does this leave? Not a whole heckuva lot. I drink a lot of tomato juice and I also mix a watery lemonade using Country Time Lemonade mix and bottled lemon juice, and a watery orange drink using a Knudsen sports drink called Orange Recharge which they sell at some (not all) Whole Foods Markets. Those three things and water are about it. I drink an awful lot of water.
More for the change of pace than any other reason, I often vary the water with the flavoring of either True Lemon, True Lime or True Orange — especially the last of these, which is a fairly new product that is just appearing in a few marketplaces. Each is a crystallized citrus powder that contains all natural ingredients and no sugar or calories. They're especially handy to have along in restaurants where the H2O may be of dubious taste and a wedge of real fruit may not be easily obtainable. In some cases, I'm almost ashamed to admit, I like these better than the squeezings of the genuine article.
You can read all about 'em over at the True Lemon website and you can also arrange for them to send you some free samples. I do not own stock in this company. I just like their products.