This is another segment from the local (Los Angeles) TV show, Two on the Town, with a profile of some then-popular voiceover announcers. Included are Danny Dark, who cartoon buffs will recognize as the voice of Superman on the Super Friends series. That was the least of his many credits. Also, you'll meet Bill Whitman and Ernie Anderson. In fact, you'll see a good example of how famously cranky Ernie could be. The guy had a great voice but a pretty bad attitude, and to hire him was to put up with that. (I did once…and only once.)
Near the end, you'll see Gene Moss, who had a pretty nice career in voiceover but who will always be remembered, by those of us who were around when you could see him do it, for hosting Shrimpenstein on Channel 9 here in the sixties. We wrote about him and that show back here and that old post still brings the occasional e-mail from folks who were prowling the Internet, searching for info on a favorite program of their childhoods.