Last night, I embedded a video here with a sing-along to the Magilla Gorilla theme song. It was from AOL/in2TV, which is a new Time-Warner project designed to eventually control every aspect of our lives.
There's something about the coding of their embeds that does odd things to weblogs. In particular, it seems to "take over" when you load the page. Even if the embedded in2TV video is at the bottom of the page, most browsers go to it instead of the top of the page. I don't like them doing this to my weblog and I even tried fiddling with the coding and couldn't figure how to get it to stop doing that. So I've taken out the embedded video and no more AOL/in2TV embeds until they fix that.
You can reach the Magilla sing-along on this page and watch it there, complete with the slightly incorrect lyrics. (You'll probably have to watch an ad first, by the way. That's if you can even get the thing to load, which it may not. One day, Corporate America will figure out that the fancier you make the website, the more likely it is to not load for people or to load so slowly that they abort and go elsewhere.)
While you're hanging out in the neighborhood, you might like to sing along with the theme from F Troop. Or at least see if you can catch the funny spelling mistake in the on-screen lyrics. Other lyrics are also slightly misheard, too. It's "While pinning it on…" not "But pinning it on…" and "know their morale can't droop…" instead of "know their morale can droop…" This is important stuff, people. Let's get it right.