The "regulating business" part of the Bush administration seems to consist of letting anyone do any damn thing they want if they think it'll boost corporate income. But according to this article by Daniel Gross, the Federal Trade Commission is inexplicably attempting to block a proposed acquisition of the Wild Oats grocery chain by the Whole Foods grocery chain.
Not being a Wild Oats patron, I have no idea if that would be a good thing from that end…but I do shop Whole Foods to my not-infrequent disappointment. I like the feel of the place. I like the philosophy via which they stock their shelves. I especially like the diversity of selection because I can find many items there I can get nowhere else…or at least not as easily. But I have to keep reminding myself every time I go to one that everything's a little more expensive than you think and that nothing, especially the prepared food, is as good as it looks in the store. The meat comes close but too often, I feel like someone has repackaged an upscale Ralphs to make it seem healthier and trendier, and they're charging you an extra 40% for that.