Surfing the Web

You may have heard that "new scientific findings" cast doubt on the theory (and the belief of some of us) that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter of a Mr. J. F. Kennedy back in '63. I've been reading the articles — like this one — and have come to the conclusion that this new revelation is being hyped, as headline writers tend to do, beyond its merits. One of many pieces of evidence in the assassination investigation was a test that determined that the bullet fragments that were recovered all came from one rifle — Oswald's. What the new study suggests is not that the fragments definitely came from multiple weapons. That's what some of the headlines would lead you to believe…and of course, that would be a much bigger, important story. What the new study says is that the test that was performed may not have been as accurate as we believed.

Okay, fine. May not have been. It also may have come to the right answer. The whole thing is full of "may have"s and "could have"s and nothing that says with any certainty that the fragments didn't come from the one Mannlicher-Carcano. It's an important fact to add to the pile but it sure doesn't prove anything…except maybe that news editors like to hype stories out of proportion. Like we needed any further proof of that.