A lot of my friends have looked at MAD Magazine the last few years and felt estranged. It's like, "Where's Jack Davis? Where's Dave Berg? Where's Antonio Prohias?" Well, Davis is retired and the other guys are enjoying what Jonathan Winters calls "The Permanent Dirt Nap." But the current issue might feel more familiar to long-time readers. Like every issue, there are cartoons by that Sergio Aragonés guy (when will he get a real job?) and a Fold-In by Al Jaffee, but there's also an article drawn by Paul Coker and a TV parody — of one of the C.S.I. shows — by Arnie Kogen and Mort Drucker. Mort's still got it and so has Arnie.
There's also a parody of Dog the Bounty Hunter drawn by Tom Richmond, who's become the magazine's "new generation" star caricaturist. Tom is not only skilled at drawing but he's skilled at sharing his skills and teaching others. His weblog is full of great tips and glimpses of work in progress…and he's assembled a video that shows how he colors his drawings and that's our video link for today. (By the way: Tom's coloring in a caricature of himself. He's one of the very few cartoonists I've ever seen who draws himself to look worse than he actually is.) Here's that lesson…