A Correction About Corrections

Here I am practicing what I preach. Earlier today, complaining about newspapers that don't make decent corrections, I said, "Go ahead. Find me the online 'corrections' section for The Washington Times. Reader Loren Collins did. It's on this page.

Nice to know they have one. I'm pretty sure they didn't a year or two ago…and they're sure keeping it a secret now. I couldn't find anything on their front page that leads to it, nor does it show up on their site map. So I think my point is still valid. Corrections are either not done at all or not done in a way that would cause most people who read the original piece to see the correction.

One last thing. I was amused by this one on the Washington Times corrections page…

Due to an editing error, The Washington Times yesterday incorrectly recounted the biblical story of Abraham disowning one of his sons. The son whom Abraham disowned was Ishmael.

I don't know why that struck me funny but it did.