Today's Bonus Video Link

Among the dozen-or-so political websites I hit every day are those in Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo empire. He has several and he's expanding not only in the number of sites but in what they do. Recently, he has begun producing little online webcast segments such as the one I thought you might like to watch.

It runs seven minutes and it's in two parts, both taped the other day when John Kerry went in to appear on The Colbert Report and Marshall and his cameraman got to ride along. The first part, recorded in the back of the limousine, is a fairly unremarkable interview with the senator about his new book on the environment. The most interesting thing about it is a "blogger" getting this kind of access to someone like Kerry. The interview is, of course, entirely benevolent…but I like the potential. Bloggers roaming about with video cameras and the ability to post their reports to the Internet could do a lot to make up for "real" journalists who don't ask hard questions.

The second part is backstage at The Colbert Report as Stephen C. greets Kerry and briefs him on how the interview will go. If you watch Mr. Colbert, you may be fascinated by what he tells his guest, which I'm guessing is pretty much what he tells all of them.