Recommended Reading

If you care about the Don Imus matter — and I could sure understand if you didn't — this article by Joe Conason makes some pretty good points about it. It's a Salon link and if you're not a subscriber, I believe you need to view a short ad before they'll let you see the article. But I'm told the ads are shorter now than they used to be.

Incidentally: When is Al Sharpton up for re-election? I often find the Reverend Al remarkably entertaining and there are times on talk shows and in debates when he speaks with an honesty that folks who might ever hope to get elected to some position never seem to muster. Still, I've never understood his role in all these controversies upon which he seems to pounce. If I were a black guy, I think I'd wonder who appointed him and Jesse Jackson to speak on my behalf and to decide whether those who sin against my race were worthy of forgiveness. As Conason notes in his piece, it's not like Sharpton's hands are completely clean when it comes to accusations. Even leaving that aside, whenever there's an issue that touches upon race, the Reverend Al has a way of turning up and suddenly making it all be about the Reverend Al. That doesn't help.

Also, for a prescient view of the Imus situation from a few years back, read this.