Just a Thought

The above is currently the headline story on the website of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. I read it and my first reaction was that the paper has an odd definition of "breaking news." With all the disasters and scandals and life-threatening things happening in the world today, the fact that Tony Bennett has the flu and can't do two shows at the Las Vegas Hilton hardly qualifies as important.

But then I thought: If I had tickets to that, it would matter to me…not as much as some other things but I'd still appreciate knowing about it, a.s.a.p. so I could rearrange my life and not waste time going to the hotel. Wouldn't it be nice if every event you might attend had a website that you could trust to be updated with last minute info or a confirmation that everything will happen according to schedule? I wonder why the Ticketmaster people haven't set up something like that. I'm sure there are logistic problems with getting the various theaters and concert halls to keep it updated but there are also logistic problems if something's cancelled and hundreds of people show up for it. Just a thought.