From the E-Mailbag…

Quite a few people sent me e-mails on the topic of why they don't like Google or why someone else might not like Google. This message from Nat Gertler covers most of the points made by others…

Google censors search results in China at the behest of their government.

Google infringes heavily on copyrights, in projects like their digitization of libraries and on their video sites (Google Video and now YouTube). They're facing lawsuits from publishers and film and TV companies over that.

Until a recently-announced policy change, they kept track of your searches and other actions forever, which is of great concern to privacy advocates. On the other end of things, they were reluctant to share information about searches with the government for the feds to build their case defending some Internet porn legislation (which recently got defeated in court.)

I imagine that someone who is actually anti-Google will have a longer list of concerns. I'm generally pro-Google, although I do think they are sadly cavalier with other people's copyrights.

No idea on Johnson & Johnson.

Okay, those are pretty good reasons. And a few other folks suggested bad experiences when the Google Toolbar or Desktop was installed on their computers by some piece of software and wasn't easy to remove. I guess that could all lead to 6% of the population having a negative view of Google.

In the case of Johnson & Johnson, no one had any suggestions but I thought of one. They're a drug company. I thought everyone thought of them as a company that made band-aids and baby shampoo but it's not unreasonable to think that some amount of people are aware that they make pharmaceuticals, including some pretty expensive ones.

My doctor had me on one of them last year for a few months. He gave me four weeks' worth in free samples and wrote me a prescription to get filled when the freebees ran out. When I took it in, I found out that it was not covered by my health insurance and that another month of it would have been $400. It was something like six and a half bucks a pill and I needed two a day. I told my pharmacist not to bother filling it, then I wrote an e-mail to my doctor and he said, "Come on by and I'll give you more samples." I hadn't recalled that the medicine was made by Johnson & Johnson but when I just now looked them up on the web and saw they made it, I could see why some people might have a negative view of the company. I know I think a little less of them now that I've made that connection.