One Degree of Separation

The new A380 airbus landed in New York on Monday and received great attention. Peter Greenberg, who's the Travel Editor for The Today Show, was on that flight and he filed this video report which is posted over on the MSNBC website. One of the other travellers interviewed in his report is my longtime pal, Joe Brancatelli, whose name comic fans may remember from fanzines of the seventies and a column he did for Warren magazines. I worked with Peter Greenberg years ago, too — on a TV pilot idea that no network had the guts/foolishness to pick up.

I mention this because I know an awful lot of people and I'm always amazed how they intersect. I'm always telling friends that eventually, everyone I've ever met will meet everyone else I've ever met. So it was not unusual but still odd to be watching Keith Olbermann last evening. Olbermann replayed Greenberg's report and there I saw someone I knew from one part of my life interviewing someone I knew from another part of my life. Joe and Peter are both in the business of travel reporting now but still…