Nick and Gene

Let's see if I can crop and post a photo from my laptop. This was taken today at the WonderCon: Me surrounded by two of my favorite comic book artists. On the left is Nick Cardy, best known for his fine work on Aquaman, Bat Lash and Teen Titans. On the right is Gene Colan, best known for his fine work on Iron Man, Tomb of Dracula and Daredevil. I could list another two dozen credits for each of them but you get the idea. We took this photo during a rare moment today when they weren't besieged by fans wanting autographs, sketches or just to say, "I've always loved your stuff." I've never understood how "stuff" became a term of endearment for work that you love and respect, but that's how people talk to artists…and even how most artists talk to each other. Well, I like the "stuff" these men have produced for comics for many years and as usual, it's always nice to discover that your favorite artists are such nice people, as well. It almost always works out that way but it's still something to be happy about.