Barack Obama announced today he will seek the Democratic nomination for the presidency. Which group do you think now has the larger number? People running for the 2008 presidency or people claiming to have fathered Anna Nicole Smith's child?
I have no idea if Barack Obama would be my top choice for the office…and you know what? I don't have to decide that now. No one does. The primaries are a long way off and the world will change in many ways between now and then. The issues that concern us most will be different. More candidates will enter the race. Some who are in will embarrass themselves in different ways and get out. We can just about count on at least one sizzling revelation that will totally change everyone's view of a candidate.
To give you an idea of how things can and will change just in regard to the Democratic nomination, consider this. Today is 563 days until the nominee of that party will be voted upon at a convention in Denver.
Now, go read this old post that I had up here, only 232 days before the 2004 candidate was formally selected. And I was only repeating what all the polls and pundits were saying then.