I guess I post too often on this site. Lately, whenever there's an eight hour gap between items that is not explainable by the occasional need to sleep, I get e-mails asking if I'm all right and if my mother is all right. We're both fine, thank you. I took her out this morning to do marketing, in fact. Then I went up to speak at The Afternoon of Remembrance, which is an annual event sponsored jointly by The Animation Guild and A.S.I.F.A., honoring everyone in the animation community who's passed away in the previous year. Then I came home and plunged back into a manuscript that needed (and still needs) a lot of my time.
Sporadic postings may be the norm for a while. I appreciate your concern, my friends, but please don't assume anything from a lack of material up here. It could mean I'm in a crisis situation but it more likely means I'm just plain busy, possibly even with something I like doing. That has been known to happen.