I know you'll all be spending tomorrow scurrying about your neighborhoods in your ape costumes, frightening small children and inducing coronaries in seniors, to say nothing of beating and pummelling anyone you encounter named Fester Bestertester. But if you pause for a moment in the day's occupation, you might want to tune in Shokus Internet Radio…say, between 4 PM and 6 PM for those of you on the West Coast or 7 PM and 9 PM for those on the other one. That's when Earl Kress and I will be guests on Stu's Show, taking your calls and discussing cartoons and animation and records about cartoon characters and all sorts of other fluffy topics. Our cordial host will be Stuart Shostak, who puts the "sho" in Shokus Internet Radio.
You can listen to Shokus Internet Radio by mousing your way over to the Shokus site and selecting an audio browser. And like I've been a'tellin' ya…don't wait 'til Earl and I are on to sample this fine station. Here's a link to the schedule.