Here's seven minutes from a vintage episode of The Soupy Sales Show, including a lip-sync to his recording of "The Mouse," which I never thought was much of a tune or dance. The off-camera voice you hear heckling him at the end is that of Frank Nastasi, who was the foil when the Soupman did his show in New York.
The stuff that comes before the song is the kind of material that endeared Soupy to many of us. He was just out there, ad-libbing on live TV with no idea what he was going to say or do, enjoying the hell out of his own predicament.
As I wrote in this article, I used to watch him, wishing I could be one of those people in the studio you always heard laughing. I can't think of anyone who has a TV show today who would have the guts to go out there so unprepared and to just wing it. He was a brave man, that Soupy.