We're hearing that it's finally going to happen: A DVD release of WKRP in Cincinnati. But as we've warned here before, they will not be as the shows originally aired. The disc jockeys in the popular sitcom often played records and at the time the shows were produced, it didn't cost that much for the producers to use real records. So they did. Then later, when the shows got to the land of syndicated reruns, the rates had changed and it cost more to leave those real records in. So they didn't. Other, generic songs were substituted…and where there were lines of dialogue referencing the now-excised tunes, they either (a) left the lines in so they made no sense or (b) had someone try to imitate the actors and redub new dialogue. Neither worked all that well.
I'm told a first season DVD set will be out next Spring and that a number of songs will be changed. I'm not sure if that means these are the syndicated prints or if they're redoing the replacements. Either way, it's something of a shame…though I suppose an altered collection is better than no collection at all.
The last time we discussed this here, it sent another blogging friend into a tirade, the jist of which was, "How dare those greedy record owners try to hold up the DVD company for money, thereby making it impossible for the folks who made the WKRP shows to market them in their original form?" That may be the case or it may be that the company that now controls WKRP in Cincinnati (which is not the company that made them in the first place) is just being penurious. That has been known to happen, too. Unless you're privvy to the negotiations, you don't know.