This is the third of at least three, maybe four plugs for my appearance this very day on Shokus Internet Radio. I'll be grilled unmercifully by your digitial deejay, Stuart Shostak, on Stu's Show, which airs live from 7 PM to 9 PM on the East Coast and from 4 PM to 6 PM on the West Coast. We'll talk about working on TV shows and writing comic books and cartoons and all those things I pass off as a career. I'll probably make some really embarrassing, scandalous confession like about how I got Dick Cheney's daughter pregnant or something. Maybe I'll even tell the story — and this is a real one — about how Jack LaLanne took a swing at me one night in Musso-Frank's. I lead such a colorful life.
Here's how you listen to Shokus Internet Radio. Click over to this page and select one of the audio browsers. Once you get there, you can minimize the Live365 window and use your computer to do other things — write, surf for porn, play Sudoku, whatever — while you listen. Knowing you, you'll probably do all of those while you listen. Well, you can. In fact, you can do all those things and listen to Shokus Internet Radio 24 hours a day, not just when I'm on the air. Give it a whirl. Won't cost you anything.