We have here another (another!) sixteen minutes of old cereal commercials. It opens with a dandy Rice Krispies spot, followed by Buffalo Bee (voiced by Mae "Olive Oyl" Questel) selling Wheat Honeys and Rice Honeys. A pre-Batman Adam West eats Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes, with narration by Paul Frees. The Cheerios Kid tries to launch himself into space and his spot is followed by the Trix Rabbit and the Lucky Charms leprechaun. There are some promos for Clackers and Frosty-Os, an Andy Griffith Show in-show commercial with Don Knotts, and one for Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice that I think features the voice of Kenny Delmar. Mr. Delmar played the infamous Senator Claghorn on the Fred Allen radio show and later was the voice of The Hunter and Commander McBragg for animation. You'll see an early Tony the Tiger commercial with Thurl Ravenscroft's magnificent baritone, a Maypo spot and…oh, there's too much in this to list it all. Just watch.