The Place For Pasta

Back in this item last February, we announced (with great sadness) that the Old Spaghetti Factory in Hollywood was being torn down to make way for a new real estate development. Then in July, in this item, we announced that the real estate development had been postponed and so the O.S.F. would be there for at least two more years.

Today, I received a message from an exec of the Old Spaghetti Factory chain telling me something I'd recently heard as a rumor; that the real estate deal has fallen through and the venerable noodle emporium is now there to stay. Or at least, it'll stay until another real estate development deal comes along. Anyway, it's saved…for now.

In other Los Angeles Restaurant News: R.J.'s for Ribs in Beverly Hills is moving to West Hollywood. If you had dinner with me in the eighties, you probably ate at R.J.'s, which was a wonderful eatery back then. New owners have since reduced its wonderfulness to the point where I don't much care where it's situated.