Still Watching…

When I posted the previous message, three states were in doubt — Virginia, Missouri and Montana — and the Democrats need all three to take the Senate. In Missouri, Claire McCaskill (the Democrat) just claimed victory and her opponent conceded so we're down to two.

In Montana, the Democrat (Tester) is at 51% and the Republican (Burns) is at 47% with 64% of the precincts counted. In Virginia, the Democrat (Webb) is at 50% and he's claimed victory while the Republican (Allen) is at 49% and has gone to bed. They're saying 100% of the vote is in but there are apparently provisional ballots and a recount ahead and those could take weeks.

I'm not posting these numbers because I figure you're coming here for your election totals. I'm just quoting them because the dramatics of the situation intrigue me and I want to remember this moment. I mean, if you scripted this to make it a nail-biter, you wouldn't dare write something like this. It would be just too contrived.

Sure hope this doesn't come down to another Florida/Ohio battle, this time in Virginia, where it looks like it's been decided by lawyers and judges instead of by voters. But it probably will.