Back From Voting…

…and if someone had done an exit survey at my polling place in the last fifteen minutes, they would have come to the conclusion that 100% of the voting turnout consists of tall males wearing New Balance shoes. It was just me and some other guy but we were the only ones there. A precinct worker was very thorough in telling me how to work the voting apparatus so as to make certain that my ballot could be counted. Years ago, I might have been annoyed at the Kindergarten-level explanation but now I appreciate the attention to duty.

It was a grueling struggle to get to my polling place. A whole half a block. And now, I'm home watching Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews on MSNBC trying to anchor election coverage without any news to report apart from voting irregularities. They have Tucker Carlson participating in the analysis along with Republican lawyer Ben Ginsberg, who was a lawyer for the Swift Boat Vets and an advocate for Bush in the 2000 Florida mess. I have the feeling that Olbermann will not sit silent if stupid or dishonest things are said by either. (Carlson is already starting with the view that a loss tonight might be great news for Republicans. Somehow, if they won big, I don't think he'd be saying that was bad news for the party…)

I think I'll turn it off and start watching again when there's some news. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are doing a live hour on Comedy Central at 8 PM, Pacific Time and I'm going to TiVo that in full and watch it later because it's more fun to surf the coverage.

Oh, wait. This is interesting. They just had an interview with Tom DeLay, who was on a live remote. Olbermann was sitting next to Chris Matthews in the studio but didn't ask a single question, didn't challenge DeLay's claim that all the polls were showing this will be one of the closest elections ever. (Neither did Matthews.) Wonder if that's the new MSNBC policy…Olbermann isn't allowed to talk to any guest who wouldn't voluntarily come on his show.

Okay, back to work. I'll check in later.