Most Likely to Draw Comics

Steve Ditko, the co-creator of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, is one of the field's great artists. He's also one of its most mysterious and when comic fans find out I've met him — even though that was some time ago — I'm often peppered with questions: What's he like? Does he have weird fingers like the people he draws? Does he wear an iron mask around his studio? Questions like that. The questioners are inevitably disappointed when I report that, at least the few times I was around him, Mr. Ditko seemed perfectly normal, though a little angry about the business. (And I should mention that just about everyone who has ever worked in comics, especially in the old days, is or was at least a little angry about the business from time to time. Some are/were exceedingly angry and with good reason.)

Anyway, all that is a preamble to mentioning here that someone is selling a copy of Steve Ditko's high school yearbook on eBay. Here's the listing. Ditko is a very private person who doesn't give interviews — at least, knowingly. One somewhat slimy person in the field has phoned him a few times, caught him in a chatty mood and had a conversation…and this slimy person taped those calls and has circulated copies here and there. Ditko demands his privacy, as of course is his right, so I don't know what he'd make of this. Probably wouldn't like it much.