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Russ Maheras sent me this link to a letter that was written by a soldier current stationed in Iraq. It was intended as just a note home to friends and family but it made it into that greatest form of communication…the e-mail that everyone forwards to everyone else. Time Magazine tracked down the author to authenticate it and to obtain permission to post it on their website.

It's sad, it's interesting, it's inspiring, it's maddening…it's even funny in places. I like the part where they're looking for one bad guy who's described as a midget and the forces go out looking for him and come back with 26 midgets.

The funny thing about this e-mail is that I've received it, so far, about ten times already…and that a couple people sent it to me because they think it shows how badly things are going in Iraq and a couple sent it because they think it proves the opposite. I don't think any one soldier's viewpoint proves anything beyond what he or she sees — but I think it's fascinating for us to see what they see. And essential that we do.