Their site may be a little busy this morning but Crooks and Liars has posted the first 20 minutes or so of Bill Clinton's interview on Fox News Sunday. I suspect that people who never liked Clinton will enjoy it because they'll see him as rattled and defensive while those who like him will say he did a great job of standing up to the Fox News machine. Some in both camps may enjoy seeing a United States president who can speak without a script and manage to get both a subject and a verb into most of his sentences.
I feel a little (only a little) sorry for the interviewer, Chris Wallace, in all this. I think Clinton is right that Wallace and his Fox News cohorts have done a lot to advance Republican Talking Points of at least dubious accuracy, and haven't put tough questions to the Bush administration in the areas under discussion. But I think he's wrong that he was baited-and-switched with the understanding that the interview would be mainly about his Global Initiative project. The discussion wound up being so much about Osama because Clinton took it that way. Actually, I suspect both men were delighted with how the whole interview turned out. Even though Wallace got spanked a little, he got a newsworthy, highly-promotable piece of tape out of it…and probably a lot of gold stars from his employer. And Clinton got his view out and got a lot of attention.
And you'll probably like it because no matter how you feel about Clinton, there's something in there for you. Give it a look if the link isn't too slow because everyone else is watching it.