Set the TiVo!

Well, you might want to…if you have The Sleuth Channel, which you probably don't. But if you do, you might be interested in this. Tomorrow night at 11:30 PM (my time), they're running an episode of the 60's Dragnet show that features the late Henry Corden in a showy part. Henry was a great cartoon voice actor, most notably as the second and longest voice of Fred Flintstone. But he also had a very nice on-camera career and some of his friends and co-stars in the voice biz have asked me to let them know when they could see him in one of these roles. Tomorrow night's the answer…if you have The Sleuth Channel which, like I said, you probably don't. Henry plays a furrier who has been robbed and then, thanks to the type of ace detective work that too often typified Dragnet, someone phones Joe Friday and tells him who the crooks are so Henry gets his furs back and why am I telling you all this? You probably don't have The Sleuth Channel. Forget I even posted this.