Happy Freberg Day!


I hope he'll forgive me for mentioning the number but it's not exactly a secret on the Internet. One of my personal heroes, Stan Freberg (seen above with his lovely spouse, Hunter) is eighty years old today. He is, as everyone knows, a fine actor, satirist, writer, voice actor, advertising genius, etc. He's also a very nice man whose friendship I treasure. It's a joy when one of your idols turns out to be as fine a human being as you could ever want him to be.

Stan, if you're reading this, I'd like to suggest that you have a mid-life crisis. It's not that I want to cause you any anxiety but I kinda like the idea that this is the middle of your life and that we'll have you around for another eighty. Happy Day. Eat some cake, hug your friends and for God's sake, turn off the bubble machine.