Briefly Noted…

Earlier today in this item, I joked that Harold Lloyd had more new movies coming out than Chevy Chase. Half the known free world has informed me that Mr. Chase has a new film called Zoom coming out in a week or so. Perhaps I should have said that Harold Lloyd dead is still funnier than Chevy Chase alive.

Also, in this item, I mused that the idea of raising the minimum wage must have shocked the execs at Walmart. According to this article, their CEO has urged Congress to up that wage. I'm a little skeptical that the company really wants that — it sounds to me like good P.R. to get behind something that will probably happen anyway — but it wouldn't be fair not to make note of their statement.

And if the Minimum Wage does get raised and you suddenly find yourself with a little surplus income, here's a good cause to which you can put it…