Pete's Back!

Heading to Vegas soon? I might go, just so I can see one of my favorite comedians, Pete Barbutti. Pete's set up shop at the Four Queens downtown with singer King Errisson in a show called "Back to Back." Sounds like a winning parlay to me.

Pete holds the world's record for more appearances on The Tonight Show with Mr. J. Carson than any other comedian. There's a reason for this. He's awfully funny in front of an audience. Matter of fact, a few years ago, I got to hang out backstage with Pete a few times and he was even funnier back there, telling stories about Vegas and other performers and working for sleazy club owners. Someone is missing a bet by not grabbing guys like that (and alas, there aren't many guys like that left) and doing a cable show where they could share their anecdotes. In the meantime though, get thee to Sin City and see Pete Barbutti live and in person. You won't regret it.