Today's Political Stuff

A delightful, unexpected surprise from the Supreme Court saying that the Bush administration has overstepped its authority with regards to "enemy combatants." But why do I think the reaction from the White House will be that they're still going to do what they think is right, no matter who tells them it's wrong?

On the matter of the New York Times revealing the government's finance-monitoring program, Keith Olbermann did an interesting report the other day. It can be viewed here…but if you don't have the seven minutes to watch, I'll summarize. Basically, Olbermann claims that everything the Times revealed has been talked about before, including by George W. Bush, and offers clips to prove much of this assertion. I don't think the people calling for Times editors to be strung up will care. With the war going as badly as it is, they need someone to blame besides themselves and their chosen administration…and the press is always handy for that.

Lastly, and still on the topic of Olbermann: His ratings are up and Bill O'Reilly's are down. Yesterday on Countdown, Olbermann did a very funny but childish nyah-nyah-nyah speech. Haven't seen an online link to a clip but if you do, you might get a chuckle out of it.