Today's Political Thought

A week or two ago in a monologue, Jay Leno mentioned some new bit of bad news for the White House and he said, "My God, that's the worst thing that's happened to the Bush administration all day."

That's kind of how it's been going lately: Every day or so, there's a new poll or a new revelation or a new document or a new general or former supporter calling for big changes. I'm starting to feel sorry, not so much for Bush and his crew, but for all the people who supported them in good faith. I've backed politicians who turned out to not be as competent or honest as I once thought. It's not a pleasant realization.

The latest blow is tonight's 60 Minutes interview with Tyler Drumheller, who was once the highest-ranking CIA officer in Europe. He says there was plenty of accurate intelligence on Iraq and its alleged weapons and its supposed attempts to acquire yellowcake uranium. The White House, he claims, simply ignored the good intelligence because the flawed reports fit their agenda. This will not come as a surprise to anyone but it adds to the pile-on.

And the week is just starting…