This is for those of you interested in comic book history: Run, do not walk, to this link where Ken Quattro has written the definitive article on the long-defunct comic book company, St. John. Actually, that's faint praise since there have been so few articles about the firm so let me ratchet up the compliment a bit: It's a terrific, well-researched article on a publisher about which little has been known. Unlike a great many outfits that vanished and left no remnants behind, St. John published titles which other companies grabbed onto, and material which others later reprinted. The work for them by Joe Kubert and Norman Maurer alone guaranteed a high standard for the firm and many other titles lived up to that standard.
There's a lot of wonderful "scholarship" (I'm using that word loosely) being done these days about comic book history — much of it, alas, begun after too many of the participants have passed away. I'm sure glad someone decided to research St. John, and Ken did a first-rate job of it.