Folks write in now and then ask me what current comics I'd recommend. There are many but today's plug is for Supernatural Law, a clever strip by the best-dressed man in comics, Batton Lash. You can experience it two ways — on paper and online — and while I prefer it on paper, the online version is free and it'll at least give you a chance to sample the exploits of Wolff and Byrd, Counselors of the Macabre.
The second storyline for the webcomic, "The Life-Partner of Frankenstein," has recently been completed and can now be read in full at the Supernatural Law website. In the story, a descendant of the original Dr. Frankenstein carries on the life-creation work of his family…and we all know what trouble that always causes. In this case, the trouble is a monster named Henry, who craves a mate so Doc Frankenstein whips one up and she's named Freda but then…oh, just go read it. Don't let me spoil it for you. You'll enjoy it. Batton blends fantasy and law better than anyone this side of Justice Scalia.