Still Amazing


He doesn't seem to need them but we're sending "get well" wishes anyway to the Amazing Carl Ballantine, a great comic actor and the uncontested king of funny magic. Carl was recently hospitalized and a few Internet forums erupted with dire word about his health. What's the matter with you people? The guy's only 83 years old, after all. It's not like he's an old man. (And I'm only half-kidding. I have lunch with Carl every so often. Wish I had half his energy.) They slapped some sort of pacemaker in him the other day and sent him right home. That's where he is right now, figuring out when he can next get to the racetrack or to his favorite dining establishment, In-n-Out Burger.

Carl's one of the most wonderful comic talents I've ever had the honor to work with. I hired him a couple times to do voices on the Garfield cartoon show and boy, did he make me look like I knew what I was doing. Everyone adored him. I wish he was on television more often because there's no one who's funnier.