Recommended Reading

Frank Rich on the whole Wiretaps Without Warrants matter. And for what it's worth, I think Rich misses the point on one matter. He writes…

If fictional terrorists concocted by Hollywood can figure out that the National Security Agency is listening to their every call, guess what? Real-life terrorists know this, too. So when a hyperventilating President Bush rants that the exposure of his warrant-free wiretapping in a newspaper is shameful and puts "our citizens at risk" by revealing our espionage playbook, you have to wonder what he is really trying to hide. Our enemies, as America has learned the hard way, are not morons. Even if Al Qaeda hasn't seen "Sleeper Cell" because it refuses to spring for pay cable, it has surely assumed from the get-go that the White House would ignore legal restraints on eavesdropping, just as it has on detainee jurisprudence and torture.

It isn't that the terrorists on whom our nation eavesdrops would assume the White House would ignore legal restraints. It's that it doesn't matter. The warrants that the administration should be getting under the NSA act are secret warrants. The terrorists couldn't possibly know or care if procedure is followed or not.