Senator Stomp!

My friend and employer Jack Kirby was a lovely man but one capable of great anger at times. Every so often, I see something happen either in the comic book business or the real world and think, "Gee, I'm sorry Jack's gone but I'm glad he's not around to see that."

I just thought that when I read an item about Ted Stevens, the Senator from Alaska who thinks we should drill like crazy for oil in his home state, and that oil company executives should be allowed to testify before Congress without having to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but you-know-what. Jack was very pro-environment and against letting big corporations have unchecked power and I doubt there's much that Stevens has ever done that wouldn't have outraged him. But wearing a tie featuring one of Jack's characters while he did those things and taking inspiration from it…that really would have pissed Kirby off.