Tuesday Possum Blogging

This was taken on my back step about twenty minutes ago. Cute little fellow, isn't he? And he's not, as someone wrote me the last time I posted one of these, "the ugliest giant rat in the world." There's something kind of adorable about the possums that come to claim sloppy seconds on the local cats' dinners. The possums move slowly and quietly, and they flee in fear at the slightest noise. I feel sorry for one when I see it eat the last remaining nugget of food and begin looking around, wondering if there could possibly be any more. But of course, there's no way I can go out and pour more Friskies into the dish for it. The second I clicked the latch on the door, the possum would sprint for the next zip code. So instead I watch it waddle off sadly, obviously feeling sorry for itself.

At least, I think they come here for the food. Maybe they just come to get their pictures on the website.