Wednesday Raccoon Blogging

Look who I just found in my backyard. I was on my way to the drug store about forty minutes ago when I spotted at least three of these fine, furry folks ambling about the pool and checking the empty cat dish for crumbs. While I ran back in to get my camera, one fled and the other two climbed up in a fence and just sat there, happily posing for my lens, probably eager to get themselves on this website. The one on the left seemed especially concerned that I might get his bad side.

I don't know if I've made it clear here but I do not live on the edge of a forest or in any sort of rural area. This, as Jack Webb used to say, is the city. The other day when I told someone where my house was, they couldn't believe I routinely have raccoons and possums in this area. They said, "I have trouble even believing the part about the stray cats." But there they all are.

I took this, by the way, with my newest toy — a Canon PowerShot S410. Neat little camera. Very good for raccoon pics even if they don't mention that in the ads.