
For a long time in this country, November 22 was marked by TV specials in which the news media congratulated itself on the job it did covering the assassination of John F. Kennedy. That tradition seems to have faded and except for ten and five year anniversaries, the date is largely ignored. If you'd like to return to that fateful event in 1963, this web page offers an hour of radio from that day. It's what was broadcast on station KLIF in Dallas and it'll remind you of (or educate you to) the scary way the information dribbled out then. The first part of this recording is of bulletins interrupting some pretty ironic song selections.

For what it's worth, I went through a brief Conspiracy Theory period earlier in my life. Eventually, I settled down to the belief that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and that all the anomalies in that scenario were explainable and far more likely than any tale of multiple gunmen. I also decided there was no point in debating the issue with those who were sure (and in some cases, too eager to believe) something else had happened. Each year, if we believe the polls, a teensy percentage of the population comes over to my view. At this rate, we should all be on the same page by November 22, 2163 — just in time for the self-congratulatory news specials that will air that day.