Brits and Bilko

It won't be there much longer but the BBC Radio website is currently offering a half-hour audio documentary on the Sgt. Bilko TV show. To find it, go to this link and look down to where it says You'll Never Get Rich: The Bilko Story. That's where you want to click.

The broadcast makes the not-infrequent error of identifying Larry Gelbart (who is among the interviewed) as having written for Your Show of Shows. It has a quote from a daughter of Phil Silvers who claims her father made up all his dialogue, which I don't believe for a second. I also don't believe the claim that anyone affiliated with the show ever thought of recasting the lead role when Mr. Silvers asked for more money. Otherwise, if one can get past the host's theatrics, it's pretty good. Thanks to Miles Curtis for telling me about it.

It's interesting that You'll Never Get Rich (aka Sgt. Bilko, aka The Phil Silvers Show) was even more popular in England than it was here. It was popular here but not the way it was over there. I am of the opinion that one of the reasons for this is that often when it's been aired on American TV the last few decades, it's been with bad prints that are full of splices and awkward edits. When an old black-and-white show fails to get ratings, execs have a tendency to blame the lack of color and say, "Audiences today won't watch black-and-white." But they do. I Love Lucy has never been off and the early seasons of The Andy Griffith Show are on several times a day in some cities. Those shows have been well-preserved and when it's been necessary to lop a few minutes out to accommodate more commercials, it's generally been done without being obvious or destructive. I think Bilko would play just fine over here if whoever owns the show would treat the episodes like they're worth watching.