The Return of Sarah Jackman

In March of this year, I announced here that Rhino Handmade, which specializes in limited-edition collectors' CDs, was prepping My Son, the Box, an assembly of almost everything Allan Sherman ever did. We're big fans of Mr. Sherman here so this was welcome news to us…and of course, by "us," I mean me.

It was apparently welcome news to many of you since you've been sending e-mails asking us when it'll be out and why absolutely no other site on the whole Internet (including the Rhino Handmade site) seemed to have any mention of it unless they got it from here. One of you even accused us of being delusional about this alleged CD set and caused us to doubt our own sanity.

Well, the Rhino Handmade folks still haven't announced it or mentioned it on their site but Amazon is now taking advance orders for My Son, the Box and they say it'll be out on November 8. That seems soon for a product that has yet to be publicized anywhere but, hey, at least it's on its way.

However — yes, sadly, there's a "however" — I should caution you that I'm not sure yet what's in this collection and that it probably won't be exactly what I described back in March. Word is that the set was delayed and some cuts were excluded because of legal problems with some of the tunes Sherman parodied. So before you send off the hefty price — $140! — you might want to wait for an official contents listing. I still think it'll be a must-have item for lovers of great song-spoofing but it's better if you know what you're getting before you spend that kind of dough. More information should be available very soon…especially if this sucker's going to be out in three weeks.