See Eddie Cantor

Craig Robin is the one who told me about this link, which will take you to a site where you can download an Eddie Cantor video from around 1923 and, yes, it's a talkie. It's him doing part of his stage act…somewhat awkwardly because he didn't have a live audience there to laugh at the jokes. Or if you receive the Fox Movie Channel, they're running one of Mr. Cantor's better films — Ali Baba Goes to Town — next Tuesday during the day. (His best films, Roman Scandals and Palmy Days, don't seem to be scheduled anywhere.) If you do catch Ali Baba, keep your eye out for uncredited cameos by about half of Hollywood including The Ritz Brothers, Douglas Fairbanks, Tyrone Power, Ann Sothern and, yes, even Cesar Romero. It also has nice performances by Charles Lane and a lady named Louise Hovick who was better known under the name, Gypsy Rose Lee.