The Saga of Stan Lee Media (cont.)

In 2000, I worked (briefly) for Stan Lee Media, the Internet company that collapsed soon after, sending some of its financial heads to prison for various forms of stock fraud. Today, The Washington Post has a long article about Stan Lee Media and what went on when it underwrote a gala fund-raising event for Hillary Clinton. If you're following this story, it's "must" reading — though you might wince at the reference to Stan as the "creator of Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk." (Here's why.)

The other day, one of my Clinton-hating acquaintances wrote me to pay attention to this then-forthcoming article because it would "blow the lid off" the scandal that will ultimately, he insists, destroy Hillary. Reading the piece, I don't see quite how that's going to happen, nor did I see that in any of the past articles he said would blow that lid. One does get the impression that the case is pretty much over but that certain parties are still trying to wring some benefits out of it. I found the following paragraph of special interest. It's about Peter Paul, the main guy behind Stan Lee Media, who is presently living off welfare as he awaits sentencing, and Judicial Watch, which is the firm whose lawyers represented him for a time…

Paul is pursuing his civil suit against the Clintons and expects oral arguments to be heard in the case later this year. He's also feuding with his former friends at Judicial Watch. Paul accuses the group of letting his criminal case languish while they used his civil suit to raise more than $15 million in donations for their coffers from people who dislike the Clintons.

That's kind of what this is all about. I got e-mails from Judicial Watch years ago that said, in effect, "Send us money and we'll nail Hillary." Apparently, there are enough people out there who loathe Bill and Hillary to make that a lucrative offer. You wonder if any of the folks who sent that $15 million think they got their money's worth…and how long they're going to keep falling for it.