Tomorrow night is the season premiere of Saturday Night Live. Here's a simple question: What time does it start in most time zones?
If you said 11:30 PM, which is what all the printed TV listings say, you're wrong. The official NBC press information says the show starts at 11:29 PM. I'm told it actually starts at 11:29:30 and that it often has in weeks past. TiVo thinks it starts at 11:30 so if you're going to record it, you might want to pad the start time. I have no idea why they're doing this. Does someone think that there's been so little happening in the world lately that the local stations can't fill a whole half-hour of news and need to lose thirty seconds?
In the meantime, the "All Night" rerun is from 9/30/95. It's hosted by Mariel Hemingway and wasn't, as I recall, one of the better ones. Next week's is the 10/24/98 broadcast hosted by Ben Stiller and I won't be recording that one, either.